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Making the Commitment

Today I am encouraging you to make a commitment. Ever since I moved to Raleigh, I have struggled to make my commitment to doing yoga every day. Since taking this photo two weeks ago, I have made the commitment to do at least 5 yoga stretches daily. I know it may not seem like a big goal but it is difficult to achieve especially if it is not part of your daily routine. Making a commitment to yourself for anything you do (it doesn't have to be yoga!) should always start out small. The more manageable the goal, the more likely you are to achieve it. I have found that there are some days when my goal of five stretches turns into a whole hour of yoga. I find myself making the time to not just reach my goal but surpass it. Improving my yoga habits is my overall goal that I am looking to achieve however I know that I must start out with smaller goals in order to reach my overall goal. I hope this makes sense to you! The next important part of making a commitment to yourself is asking for help. On the day I took this picture, I asked my husband to help me with my goal. Each day he asks me if I did my five stretches and when I am able to answer him with a yes...I feel so proud. And if I answer him with a no (which usually follows with but I will do it ) it reminds me to make the time for my stretches.

My hope for you is that you make a commitment to yourself. Whether it is taking the time out of your day to do something that will make you a better person. This could be exercise, reading, yoga, meditiation, going for a walk, spending more time with family, helping someone, etc. Whatever it is that you want to improve on, start small and ask for help!

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