Make Summer FUN and Healthy: Family Workout and Healthy Treat Recipes!

Summer is a perfect time to increase family time. What better way to spend time together than exercising and practicing a healthy lifestyle? Exercising together can benefit the whole family! Not only are the adults completing their workout commitment but they are also modeling an active lifestyle for their children. I have provided a workout that can show how exercising can be fun especially when it is done with the support of a family as well as adding in a little family competition!
Here is a workout that every family can do together!
Get Outside and Play!
Warm Up:
Go for a 5-10 minute walk around the neighborhood or to the park (if you do not have a big backyard and need more space for your workout). Multiple options here: children can ride their bike (s) while parents walk/jog, etc.
1. 20 Walking lunges
20 Jumping jacks
10 Push ups
20 Mountain Climbers (can be done on the ground or on a step/bench)
Repeat for a total of 2 times
2. Family Relay (you choose how long (in yards) you want the relay to be, depending on the size of your family, modify to fit your needs!)- split into two teams to complete the below tasks. The team that wins the most relays can choose one of the healthy snack options below! (Remember to practice positive and healthy competition by encouraging each other through each task)
First Relay:
1. Sprint down, complete 10 squat jumps (adults 20), sprint back to tag your partner in (each team member completes their sprints and squat jumps)
2. Sprint down, complete 10 quick lunges (adults 20) (lunge then jump into lunge on opposite leg), sprint back to tag your partner in (each team member must complete)
3. Grapevine down, complete 20 bicycle crunches, sprint back to tag your partner in (each team member must complete)
4. Sprint down, touch the ground, sprint back to tag your partner in (each team member completes their sprints and squat jumps)
Second Relay:
1. Mini hops down, 5 push ups (adults 10), sprint back to tag your partner in (each team member must complete)
2. Side shuffle down, 4 burpees (8 for adults), sprint back to tag your partner in (each team member must complete)
3. Grapevine down, 10 wacky jacks (20 adults), sprint back to tag your partner in (each team member must complete)
4. Sprint down, touch the ground, sprint back to tag your partner in (each team member must complete)
*If you have a tie and are up for the challenge pick one of the relays to complete again as the tie breaker!
* If you are unsure what the above exercises are- check out previous posts or google the exercise!
Don't Forget to Stretch!:
1. Child's Pose
2. Runner's Stretch
3. Downward Dog
4. Extended Pigeon
Add any others that you like!

Rewarding yourself for completing difficult tasks (exercising can be very challenging for us!) is a great way to maintain consistency to that task. Encourage your family to reward each other by choosing one of these healthy recipes below after you completed your workout! Click a link below to discover a healthy recipe from Stephanie Yeatts from Hip Fit Foodie!