It's Masters Week: Tips for Staying in the "Flow"
For all the golf lovers out there, this post is for you! In light of the Masters this week, I am providing you with tips to help you stay...
What is keeping you from meditation?
We all know we need it, we understand our lives are busy, messy, in need of a break. Yet we still do not make the time. Meditation has...
Using Meditation to Enhance Your Performance
Welcome to 2018! My goal for MentPhys Wellness this year is to provide my clients and followers with more accessible resources to enhance...
1. ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar)*: Based on my own experience, the craze over ACV and all it's wonderful glory is true. Toss it back (this is...
Finals Week: Remembering to Breathe
Abdominal or Diaphragmatic Breathing Perform your best as you end the semester with these important breathing tips! Breathing is the...
Wedding Season is here! Take the time to stay connected with your partner by practicing these mindfu
Wedding season is just about here (depending on where you may be located) and through all of the stressful planning and loaded tension,...